This years Super.Vision Training will include ‘Supervision online’. Online supervision has advantages and disadvantages, which are addressed in the training, helping participants deliver effective online supervision. Ethical / legal requirements and implications are also addressed and considered.
This is an add on to the the already comprehensive curriculum delivered in the training.
The restorative, formative and normative modules focus on the accepted theory and literature of supervision. Super.Vision Training strongly believes and agrees with research and literature that states a supervisor needs to have a very high level of self awareness. To support this the training challenges participants to look at and explore their relationship with power, their world view and how these impact on the supervisors facilitation of supervision.
Difference, diversity and cultural awareness is another area within the training which is of great interest to Annie. She shares her experiences of working in another culture, Nepal, with the participants, supporting the participants to explore their views of difference, diversity and culture.
This is only a part of the training’s focus on raising participants self awareness.